Identification is out today at Abyss & Apex! It’s a short sf flash piece. Read here.
A new flash piece is out today in Daily Science Fiction. It can be read here (or in your inbox if you receive DSF emails!).
Hope you enjoy!
After two years (gulp) I finally have some more news to post!
My flash story ‘Identification’ will be appearing in Abyss & Apex in July 2023.
(I really hope that will not be my next post!)
A slightly belated post, but Drabbledark: An anthology of dark drabbles has recently come out, and it has two of my drabbles in it, ‘Blood Rain’ and ‘The Woods Behind the House’.
A drabble is only 100 words so the perfect size for people who only have a little bit of time to read something 😉
It can be read on Kindle Unlimited, if that’s your thing, or bought as an ebook or paperback here (if you are Australian, maybe try here).
And now Diabolical Plots have the collected stories from 2017 (Year Three) available to buy. This does, of course, include Lightning Dance. – links to individual sellers are underneath the content list.
Lightning Dance came out yesterday at Diabolical Plots. Read here!
It’s a story about superheroes. And possibly about disillusionment.
Hope you enjoy it.
Andromeda Spaceways is doing its first ‘Best of’ for 2016 in a special print edition, and my story Watercress Soup is included!
If you’d like a copy of printed goodness, you can preorder here: 2016’s Best Stories. You’ll need to preorder or miss out since they’re only printing limited copies 🙂 It will be out August.
The Aurealis Awards shortlist for 2016 has been released, and I am happy (astounding, dancing, amazed) that my story ‘Watercress Soup’ made that list for Best Fantasy Short Story.
I will be over here being utterly dignified about this. I promise.
Andromeda Spaceways Issue #65 is out now, and my story ‘Watercress Soup’ is in it!
All I can think of to say about the story is there’s a confused oven in it so perhaps the the blurb should speak for me: “The beauty of “Watercress Soup” is in the gentle, compassionate response when things go wrong.”